Class TransposedGraph

Package class diagram package TransposedGraph
  extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.decorators.AbstractDecoratedGraph
      extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.decorators.TransposedGraph
All Implemented Interfaces:
Graph, DirectedEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp, IncomingEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp, NeighborhoodGraphProp, NestedGraphProp, OutgoingEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp

public class TransposedGraph
extends AbstractDecoratedGraph
implements DirectedEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp, NestedGraphProp

Decorator which turns a graph into the transposed graph, i.e., the graph with the same structure but all edges reversed.

Constructor Summary
TransposedGraph(DirectedEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp g)
          Constructor param g the graph which shall be transposed
Method Summary
 Node getFirstNode(Edge e)
          Return the first node of an edge.
 EdgeIterator getIncidentEdges(Node v)
          Return an iterator for the local neighborhood of v
 EdgeIterator getIncomingEdges(Node v)
          Get all incoming edges of a given node
 Node getOtherNode(Edge e, Node v)
          Given an edge and an incident node, return the other node of the edge
 EdgeIterator getOutgoingEdges(Node v)
          Get all outgoing edges of a given node
 Node getSecondNode(Edge e)
          Return the second node of an edge.
 boolean mayNestGraphProp(Class wantedProp)
          Check whether a property may be provided to the user by the nested graph
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.combean.graph.decorators.AbstractDecoratedGraph
getEdgeClass, getNestedGraph, getNodeClass, isModifiableGraphProp
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.Graph
getEdgeClass, getNodeClass
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.prop.NestedGraphProp

Constructor Detail


public TransposedGraph(DirectedEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp g)
Constructor param g the graph which shall be transposed

Method Detail


public EdgeIterator getOutgoingEdges(Node v)
Description copied from interface: OutgoingEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp
Get all outgoing edges of a given node

Specified by:
getOutgoingEdges in interface OutgoingEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp
the incoming edges of v


public EdgeIterator getIncomingEdges(Node v)
Description copied from interface: IncomingEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp
Get all incoming edges of a given node

Specified by:
getIncomingEdges in interface IncomingEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp
the incoming edges of v


public EdgeIterator getIncidentEdges(Node v)
Description copied from interface: NeighborhoodGraphProp
Return an iterator for the local neighborhood of v

Specified by:
getIncidentEdges in interface NeighborhoodGraphProp
v - the node for which the neighborhood shall be given.
an iterator through the neighborhood


public Node getOtherNode(Edge e,
                         Node v)
Description copied from interface: NeighborhoodGraphProp
Given an edge and an incident node, return the other node of the edge

Specified by:
getOtherNode in interface NeighborhoodGraphProp
e - the given edge
v - the give node
the other incident node of e


public Node getFirstNode(Edge e)
Description copied from interface: NeighborhoodGraphProp
Return the first node of an edge. For directed graphs this is the source of the edge. For undirected graphs the ordering of the nodes of an edge is arbitrary.

Specified by:
getFirstNode in interface NeighborhoodGraphProp
e - the edge
the first node of the given edge


public Node getSecondNode(Edge e)
Description copied from interface: NeighborhoodGraphProp
Return the second node of an edge. For directed graphs this is the target of the edge. For undirected graphs the ordering of the nodes of an edge is arbitrary.

Specified by:
getSecondNode in interface NeighborhoodGraphProp
e - the edge
the second node of the given edge


public boolean mayNestGraphProp(Class wantedProp)
Description copied from interface: NestedGraphProp
Check whether a property may be provided to the user by the nested graph

Specified by:
mayNestGraphProp in interface NestedGraphProp
wantedProp - the property which the user wants to use
true if the user may access the nested graph for obtaining the wanted property