Interface TraversalVisitor

Package class diagram package TraversalVisitor
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConstructPredMapVisitor, DFSFinishedNodeOnStackVisitor, DFSNodeNumberingVisitor, DFSNodeStackVisitor, IdleDFSVisitor, IdleTraversalVisitor, NodeCountVisitor, PartitionsTraversalVisitor

public interface TraversalVisitor

Helper object for graph traversal algorithms.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void finish()
          This method is called when the traversal is terminated.
 void init(Graph g)
          This method is called immediately before the traversal algorithm starts if all components of g shall be traversed.
 void initLocal(Graph g, Node startNode)
          This method is called immediately before the traversal algorithm starts if a component of g shall be traversed from a local start node.
 void leaveComponent(Node v)
          The traversal algorithm has finished visiting a component of the graph.
 void openNeighbor(Edge e, Node from)
          A node has been detected for the first time.
 boolean readyToTerminate()
          Signal if the traversal can be terminated.
 void reopenNeighbor(Edge e, Node from)
          A node has been redetected
 void visitComponent(Node v)
          The traversal algorithms starts visiting a component of the graph.
 void visitNode(Node v)
          The traversal algorithms begins to explore the neighborhood of a node.

Method Detail


boolean readyToTerminate()
Signal if the traversal can be terminated. Note that this is only a suggestion to the traversal algorithm.

true if termination is possible.


void openNeighbor(Edge e,
                  Node from)
A node has been detected for the first time.

e - the edge through which the node has been detected.
from - the other node from where the new node has been detected.


void reopenNeighbor(Edge e,
                    Node from)
A node has been redetected

e - the edge through which the node has been detected.
from - the other node from where the node has been detected.


void visitNode(Node v)
The traversal algorithms begins to explore the neighborhood of a node.

v - the node which is being visited.


void visitComponent(Node v)
The traversal algorithms starts visiting a component of the graph. This is also called (exactly once) when the traversal starts from a local start node.

v - an arbitrary node in the component.


void leaveComponent(Node v)
The traversal algorithm has finished visiting a component of the graph. This is also called (exactly once) when the traversal starts from a local start node.

v - an arbitrary node in the component.


void init(Graph g)
This method is called immediately before the traversal algorithm starts if all components of g shall be traversed.

g - the graph which will be traversed.


void initLocal(Graph g,
               Node startNode)
This method is called immediately before the traversal algorithm starts if a component of g shall be traversed from a local start node.

g - the graph which will be traversed.
startNode - the local start node.


void finish()
This method is called when the traversal is terminated.