Interface GlobalNodesGraphProp

Package class diagram package GlobalNodesGraphProp
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ConstructableIndexedGraphProp, ConstructableNumberedGraphProp, GlobalIndexedGraphProp, GlobalIndexedNodesGraphProp, GlobalNumberedGraphProp, GlobalNumberedNodesGraphProp
All Known Implementing Classes:
Clique, CompositeNumberGraph, DirectedCircle, DirectedPath, DRAGraphAsConstructableNumberedGraph, DRAGraphAsGraph, DRAGraphWithAddVertexIAsGraph, DRAGraphWithEditIAsGraph, IsolatedNodes, JGraphModelAsGraph, NumberGraph, OrderedNodesGraph, Path, SimpleNumberGraph

public interface GlobalNodesGraphProp
extends Graph

Graph property for graphs where all nodes are known (in contrast to graphs where only a local neighborhood can be explored).

Method Summary
 NodeIterator getAllNodesIterator()
          Return an iterator for all nodes in the graph
 int getNumNodes()
          Return number of nodes in the graph.
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.Graph
getEdgeClass, getNodeClass

Method Detail


int getNumNodes()
Return number of nodes in the graph.

number of nodes


NodeIterator getAllNodesIterator()
Return an iterator for all nodes in the graph

iterator through all nodes