Class SparseVectorConverter

Package class diagram package SparseVectorConverter
  extended by net.sourceforge.combean.mathprog.linalg.statics.SparseVectorConverter

public final class SparseVectorConverter
extends Object

Collection of static helper functions to convert SparseVectors to plain Java arrays.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static double[] convertToDoubleArray(int dim, SparseVec<NoLabel> vec)
          Convert SparseVec to plain double array
static double[] convertToDoubleArray(int dim, VectorIterator<NoLabel> itVec)
          Convert a sparse vector given by an iterator over its components to a plain double array
static double[] convertToDoubleArray(SparseVector vec)
          Convert SparseVec to plain double array, giving the double array the exact dimension of the sparse vector.
<T> void
convertToIndexAndDoubleArray(SparseVec<T> vec, int[] indexArr, double[] valueArr)
          Convert an SparseVec to two plain Java arrays, one containing the indices of non-zero entries and a double array containing their values.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SparseVectorConverter()
Method Detail


public static double[] convertToDoubleArray(int dim,
                                            VectorIterator<NoLabel> itVec)
Convert a sparse vector given by an iterator over its components to a plain double array

dim - the dimension of the dense output double array
itVec - the iterator over the entries in the sparse vector
the entries represented by itVec as double array


public static double[] convertToDoubleArray(int dim,
                                            SparseVec<NoLabel> vec)
Convert SparseVec to plain double array

dim - desired dimension of the output array. must be big enough such that all entries in vec fit into the output
vec - the vector to be converted
vec as double array


public static double[] convertToDoubleArray(SparseVector vec)
Convert SparseVec to plain double array, giving the double array the exact dimension of the sparse vector.

vec - the vector to be converted
vec as double array


public static <T> void convertToIndexAndDoubleArray(SparseVec<T> vec,
                                                    int[] indexArr,
                                                    double[] valueArr)
Convert an SparseVec to two plain Java arrays, one containing the indices of non-zero entries and a double array containing their values.

vec - the vector to be converted
indexArr - the index array to be filled. must be large enough to accomodate all entries of vec.
valueArr - the value array to be filled. must be large enough to accomodate all entries of vec.