Class MulticommodityMinCostFlowByLPAlg

Package class diagram package MulticommodityMinCostFlowByLPAlg
  extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.AbstractGraphAlg
      extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.flow.MulticommodityMinCostFlowByLPAlg
All Implemented Interfaces:
AbstractFlowAlg, FeasibleFlowAlg, MinCostFlowAlg, MulticommodityCapable, MulticommodityMinCostFlowAlg, GraphAlgorithm

public class MulticommodityMinCostFlowByLPAlg
extends AbstractGraphAlg
implements MulticommodityMinCostFlowAlg

An implementation of a multicommodity min-cost flow algorithm using an LP solver.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void focusOnCommodity(int numCommodity)
          All subsequent calls for a single commodity (e.g. setting the edge weight, the inflow or the individual capacitiy) refer to the given commodity.
 FixedDoubleEdgeMap getFlowMap()
          Return the calculated flow.
 double getTotalCost()
          Calculate the total cost of the flow.
 boolean isFeasible()
          Check if a feasible flow exists.
 void run()
          Execute the algorithm.
 void setCommonEdgeCapacityMap(FixedDoubleEdgeMap edgeCapacities)
          Set the edge capacities for the sum of the flows.
 void setEdgeCapacityMap(FixedDoubleEdgeMap edgeCapacities)
          Set the edge capacities.
 void setEdgeWeightsMap(FixedDoubleEdgeMap edgeWeights)
          Set the cost of one unit of flow for each edge.
 void setInflowMap(FixedDoubleNodeMap inflowMap)
          Set the inflow at each node in the graph.
 void setLpModelLoader(LPModelSolver lpModelSolver)
 void setLpSolver(LPSolver lpSolver)
 void setNumCommodities(int numCommodities)
          Define the number of commodities.
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.AbstractGraphAlg
getGraph, setGraph
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.alg.GraphAlgorithm
getGraph, setGraph

Constructor Detail


public MulticommodityMinCostFlowByLPAlg()

Method Detail


public final void setLpModelLoader(LPModelSolver lpModelSolver)
lpModelSolver - The lpModelSolver to set.


public final void setLpSolver(LPSolver lpSolver)
lpSolver - The lpSolver to set.


public void setEdgeWeightsMap(FixedDoubleEdgeMap edgeWeights)
Description copied from interface: MinCostFlowAlg
Set the cost of one unit of flow for each edge. If this map is not set, the cost is assumed to be zero for each edge.

Specified by:
setEdgeWeightsMap in interface MinCostFlowAlg
edgeWeights - a map containing the cost of each edge in the graph


public void setInflowMap(FixedDoubleNodeMap inflowMap)
Description copied from interface: FeasibleFlowAlg
Set the inflow at each node in the graph. A positive value means that additional flow is injected at the node, whereas a negative value represents the fact that flow is drained from the network. If this map is not set, the flow balance at each node is assumed to be zero, i.e., inbound equals outbound flow.

Specified by:
setInflowMap in interface FeasibleFlowAlg
inflowMap - the inflow at each node.


public void setEdgeCapacityMap(FixedDoubleEdgeMap edgeCapacities)
Description copied from interface: AbstractFlowAlg
Set the edge capacities.

Specified by:
setEdgeCapacityMap in interface AbstractFlowAlg
edgeCapacities - a map containing the edge capacities.


public void run()
Description copied from interface: GraphAlgorithm
Execute the algorithm.

Specified by:
run in interface GraphAlgorithm


public boolean isFeasible()
Description copied from interface: FeasibleFlowAlg
Check if a feasible flow exists. May only be called after the algorithm has been executed.

Specified by:
isFeasible in interface FeasibleFlowAlg
true if a feasible flow exists.


public double getTotalCost()
Description copied from interface: MinCostFlowAlg
Calculate the total cost of the flow. May only be called after the algorithm has been executed.

Specified by:
getTotalCost in interface MinCostFlowAlg
the total cost of the flow.


public FixedDoubleEdgeMap getFlowMap()
Description copied from interface: AbstractFlowAlg
Return the calculated flow. May only be called after the algorithm has been executed.

Specified by:
getFlowMap in interface AbstractFlowAlg
the calculated flow.


public void focusOnCommodity(int numCommodity)
Description copied from interface: MulticommodityCapable
All subsequent calls for a single commodity (e.g. setting the edge weight, the inflow or the individual capacitiy) refer to the given commodity.

Specified by:
focusOnCommodity in interface MulticommodityCapable
numCommodity - the commodity to which all subsequent calls shall refer.


public void setCommonEdgeCapacityMap(FixedDoubleEdgeMap edgeCapacities)
Description copied from interface: MulticommodityCapable
Set the edge capacities for the sum of the flows.

Specified by:
setCommonEdgeCapacityMap in interface MulticommodityCapable
edgeCapacities - a map containing the edge capacities.


public void setNumCommodities(int numCommodities)
Description copied from interface: MulticommodityCapable
Define the number of commodities. Must be called before any call to focusOnCommodity. Default is one.

Specified by:
setNumCommodities in interface MulticommodityCapable