Class LPModelSolverAsFixedDoubleEdgeMap

Package class diagram package LPModelSolverAsFixedDoubleEdgeMap
  extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.lp.LPModelSolverAsFixedDoubleEdgeMap
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LPModelSolverAsFixedDoubleEdgeMap
extends Object
implements FixedDoubleEdgeMap

Wrap a LP model modelSolver as fixed double edge map, which returns the primal solution value for each edge. This is useful for LPs where a part of the variables correspond to settings for the edges in a graph.

Constructor Summary
LPModelSolverAsFixedDoubleEdgeMap(LPModelSolver solver, GlobalNumberedEdgesGraphProp numberedEdges, String offsetId)
Method Summary
 double getDouble(Edge e)
          Return the value for a given edge.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LPModelSolverAsFixedDoubleEdgeMap(LPModelSolver solver,
                                         GlobalNumberedEdgesGraphProp numberedEdges,
                                         String offsetId)

solver - the LP model modelSolver to be wrapped. The LP model must contain the edges of the graph for which the edge map is accessed.
numberedEdges - the graph to which the edge map refers.
offsetId - the offset identifier for the columns in the LP model which correspond to the edges in the given graph.
Method Detail


public double getDouble(Edge e)
Description copied from interface: FixedDoubleEdgeMap
Return the value for a given edge.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface FixedDoubleEdgeMap
e - the edge for which the value shall be returned.
the value stored in the map for e.