Interface InitializableWithDefaultValue<Val>

Package class diagram package InitializableWithDefaultValue
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
EdgeMap<Val>, NodeMap<Val>
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayNodeMap, MapAsEdgeMap, MapAsNodeMap

public interface InitializableWithDefaultValue<Val>
extends Initializable

An initalizable data structure which also supports initialization with a default value.

Method Summary
 void init(Graph g, Val initVal)
          Has to be invoked before the data structure can be used.
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.containers.Initializable

Method Detail


void init(Graph g,
          Val initVal)
Has to be invoked before the data structure can be used. The data structure may only be used with objects belonging to the given graph. After init() all potential elements of the data structure are set to the given default value.

g - the graph for which the data structure shall be defined.
initVal - the default value with which the data structure shall be initialized