Interface Path

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public interface Path
extends FixedPath

This class models a (not necessarily simple) modifiable directed path in a graph, i.e., a sequence of nodes and edges.

Method Summary
 void appendEdge(Edge e)
          Add an edge to the end of the path.
 void init(NeighborhoodGraphProp g)
          This method must be called before nodes and edges are added to the path.
 void prependEdge(Edge e)
          Add an edge to the beginning of the path
 void setInitialNode(Node v)
          Sets a single first node of the path.
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.containers.FixedPath
getEdgeIterator, getFirstNode, getLastNode, getNodeIterator, getNumNodes

Method Detail


void init(NeighborhoodGraphProp g)
This method must be called before nodes and edges are added to the path. After the call to this method the path is empty. Only nodes and edges belonging to the given graph may be added to the path.

g - the graph which contains the path to be constructed


void setInitialNode(Node v)
Sets a single first node of the path. This method must be called before edges are added to the path. After calling this method the path consists of a single node.

v - the node which shall be added to the path.


void appendEdge(Edge e)
Add an edge to the end of the path.

e - the edge to be added


void prependEdge(Edge e)
Add an edge to the beginning of the path

e - the edge to be added