Class AbstractLabellingAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>

Package class diagram package AbstractLabellingAlg
  extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.AbstractGraphAlg
      extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.spath.AbstractLabellingAlg<NumType>
All Implemented Interfaces:
GraphAlgorithm, ShortestPathAlg<NumType>, SingleSourceShortestPathAlg<NumType>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractLabellingAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>
extends AbstractGraphAlg
implements SingleSourceShortestPathAlg<NumType>

Abstract base path for label setting or label correcting shortest path algorithms.

Field Summary
protected  PathAlgebra<NumType> algebra
protected  NodeMap<NumType> distance
protected  FixedEdgeMap<NumType> edgeWeights
protected  OutgoingEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp neigh
protected  NodeMap<Edge> pred
protected  Node startNode
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  void calcShortestPaths()
          A template method which contains the actual algorithm for calculating the shortest paths.
protected  boolean correctLabel(Node v, Edge e)
          Elementary correction of one label.
 boolean getCalcLengthOnly()
          Return the value of the flag which enables/disables the calculation of the actual paths.
 NodeMap<NumType> getDistanceMap()
          Return a NodeMap which contains the shortest distance to the source for every node (or infinity if the node is not reachable from the source).
 NumType getDistanceTo(Node t)
          Return the shortest path distance to a given node (may only be called after the algorithm has been run).
 NodeMap<Edge> getPredecessorMap()
          Return a NodeMap which maps every node in the graph to its predecessor (or null if no precedessor exists, e.g. for the source or because the node has not been reached by the shortest path algorithm).
 FixedPath getShortestPathTo(Node t)
          Return the shortest path to a given node (may only be called after the algorithm has been run)
protected  void init()
          Internal helper method which initializes the collaborators of the algorithm with sensible default values if they have not explicitly been set.
 void run()
          Execute the algorithm.
 void setAlgebra(PathAlgebra<NumType> algebra)
          Define the operations which are used to calculate the distance of a node to the source.
 void setCalcLengthOnly(boolean calcLengthOnly)
          Enable/disable the calculation of the actual paths.
 void setEdgeWeightMap(FixedEdgeMap<NumType> edgeWeights)
          Set the weights of the edges of the graph.
 void setSource(Node s)
          Define the source of the shortest paths.
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.AbstractGraphAlg
getGraph, setGraph
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.alg.GraphAlgorithm
getGraph, setGraph

Field Detail


protected OutgoingEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp neigh


protected PathAlgebra<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>> algebra


protected Node startNode


protected FixedEdgeMap<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>> edgeWeights


protected NodeMap<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>> distance


protected NodeMap<Edge> pred
Constructor Detail


public AbstractLabellingAlg()

Method Detail


public final void setSource(Node s)
Description copied from interface: SingleSourceShortestPathAlg
Define the source of the shortest paths.

Specified by:
setSource in interface SingleSourceShortestPathAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>


public final boolean getCalcLengthOnly()
Description copied from interface: ShortestPathAlg
Return the value of the flag which enables/disables the calculation of the actual paths.

Specified by:
getCalcLengthOnly in interface ShortestPathAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>
true if only the length but not the actual paths shall be calculated.


public final void setAlgebra(PathAlgebra<NumType> algebra)
Description copied from interface: ShortestPathAlg
Define the operations which are used to calculate the distance of a node to the source. If this parameter is not set, the 'standard' algebra with numeric values and the addition of doubles and the minimization as operations for combining paths shall be taken.

Specified by:
setAlgebra in interface ShortestPathAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>
algebra - the path algebra containing the required operations


public final void setCalcLengthOnly(boolean calcLengthOnly)
Description copied from interface: ShortestPathAlg
Enable/disable the calculation of the actual paths. If set to true, only the length of the shortest path but not the path itself shall be calculated. Default value for this parameter shall be false. Setting it to true may speed up the calculation a bit.

Specified by:
setCalcLengthOnly in interface ShortestPathAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>
calcLengthOnly - the new value of the calcLengthOnly flag.


public final void setEdgeWeightMap(FixedEdgeMap<NumType> edgeWeights)
Description copied from interface: ShortestPathAlg
Set the weights of the edges of the graph.

Specified by:
setEdgeWeightMap in interface ShortestPathAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>
edgeWeights - the map of the weights of the edges in the graph.


public final NodeMap<NumType> getDistanceMap()
Description copied from interface: SingleSourceShortestPathAlg
Return a NodeMap which contains the shortest distance to the source for every node (or infinity if the node is not reachable from the source). The elements must be of type Comparable. The exact type depends on the subclass of Comparable which is used by the PathAlgebra.

Specified by:
getDistanceMap in interface SingleSourceShortestPathAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>
the map of shortest distances to the source.


public final NodeMap<Edge> getPredecessorMap()
Description copied from interface: SingleSourceShortestPathAlg
Return a NodeMap which maps every node in the graph to its predecessor (or null if no precedessor exists, e.g. for the source or because the node has not been reached by the shortest path algorithm).

Specified by:
getPredecessorMap in interface SingleSourceShortestPathAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>
the predecessor map


public final NumType getDistanceTo(Node t)
Description copied from interface: SingleSourceShortestPathAlg
Return the shortest path distance to a given node (may only be called after the algorithm has been run).

Specified by:
getDistanceTo in interface SingleSourceShortestPathAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>
t - the node to which the shortest path distance shall be given.
the length of the shortest path to t.


public final FixedPath getShortestPathTo(Node t)
Description copied from interface: SingleSourceShortestPathAlg
Return the shortest path to a given node (may only be called after the algorithm has been run)

Specified by:
getShortestPathTo in interface SingleSourceShortestPathAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>>
t - the node to which the shortest path shall be given
the shortest path to t


protected abstract void calcShortestPaths()
A template method which contains the actual algorithm for calculating the shortest paths.


public final void run()
Description copied from interface: GraphAlgorithm
Execute the algorithm.

Specified by:
run in interface GraphAlgorithm


protected void init()
Internal helper method which initializes the collaborators of the algorithm with sensible default values if they have not explicitly been set.


protected boolean correctLabel(Node v,
                               Edge e)
Elementary correction of one label. Checks if the label of neighbor w of v reachable through edge e has to be corrected because the path to w through v and e is shorter than the shortest distance previously recorded for w.

v - the source node of e
e - the edge from v to the node where the label shall be corrected
true if the label has been corrected