Class Summary |
AbstractLabellingAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>> |
Abstract base path for label setting or label correcting shortest path
algorithms. |
BellmanFordAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>> |
Implements the classic Bellman-Ford algorithm
(search shortest paths by a label correcting algorithm which visits the
nodes in a FIFO order)
Requires OutgoingEdgeNeighborhoodGraphProp. |
BellmanFordWithNegCycleDetectionAlg<NumType extends Comparable<NumType>> |
An enhancement of the Bellman-Ford algorithm which is able to detect
negative cycles. |
CycleInPredMapByDoubleTraversalDetectionAlg |
Identify cycles in a predecessor map with a two pass algorithm. |
DoubleValuedPathAlgebra |
A path algebra which works with subclasses of java.lang.Number and
uses double values for the arithmetic |