Class CycleInPredMapByDoubleTraversalDetectionAlg

Package class diagram package CycleInPredMapByDoubleTraversalDetectionAlg
  extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.AbstractGraphAlg
      extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.spath.CycleInPredMapByDoubleTraversalDetectionAlg
All Implemented Interfaces:
GraphAlgorithm, CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg

public class CycleInPredMapByDoubleTraversalDetectionAlg
extends AbstractGraphAlg
implements CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg

Identify cycles in a predecessor map with a two pass algorithm. In the first pass a node in a cycle is identified (if such a node exists) and in a second pass the cycle is constructed.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean cycleFound()
          Check whether a cycle has been found (must be called after run()).
 FixedPath getCycle()
          Retrieve the cycle that has been found.
 void run()
          Execute the algorithm.
 void setPathForCycle(Path p)
 void setPredMap(FixedNodeMap predMap)
          The predecessor map defining the graph where the cycle shall be found.
 void setSingleStartNode(Node startNode)
          Search for cycles starting from a single start node.
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.AbstractGraphAlg
getGraph, setGraph
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.alg.GraphAlgorithm
getGraph, setGraph

Constructor Detail


public CycleInPredMapByDoubleTraversalDetectionAlg()

Method Detail


public void setPredMap(FixedNodeMap predMap)
Description copied from interface: CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
The predecessor map defining the graph where the cycle shall be found.

Specified by:
setPredMap in interface CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
predMap - a node map which contains the predecessor of every node (or null of a node has no predecessor)


public void setSingleStartNode(Node startNode)
Description copied from interface: CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
Search for cycles starting from a single start node. If this method is called, only the predecessors of the given node are checked for containing a cycle. Otherwise, the complete node map is checked. For this variant of the algorithm the global nodes property is not required.

Specified by:
setSingleStartNode in interface CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
startNode - the node where the search for cycles shall be started


public void setPathForCycle(Path p)
Description copied from interface: CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
Optional. Set a Path object which shall be filled with the cycle found (if any).

Specified by:
setPathForCycle in interface CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
p - the path where the cycle shall be stored


public void run()
Description copied from interface: GraphAlgorithm
Execute the algorithm.

Specified by:
run in interface GraphAlgorithm


public boolean cycleFound()
Description copied from interface: CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
Check whether a cycle has been found (must be called after run()).

Specified by:
cycleFound in interface CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
true if the algorithm has detected a cycle.


public FixedPath getCycle()
Description copied from interface: CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
Retrieve the cycle that has been found. May only be called if cycleFound() returns true.

Specified by:
getCycle in interface CycleInPredMapDetectionAlg
the cycle which has been found.