Class IdleDFSVisitor

Package class diagram package IdleDFSVisitor
  extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.traversal.IdleTraversalVisitor
      extended by net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.traversal.IdleDFSVisitor
All Implemented Interfaces:
DFSVisitor, TraversalVisitor
Direct Known Subclasses:
DFSFinishedNodeOnStackVisitor, DFSNodeNumberingVisitor

public class IdleDFSVisitor
extends IdleTraversalVisitor
implements DFSVisitor

Utility DFSVisitor with empty implementations for all necessary methods of the interface DFSVisitor. Can be used as starting point for implementations of DFSVisitors which do then not need to override all methods.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void leaveNeighbor(Edge e, Node from)
          The exploration of all nodes reachable from a neighbor of v ends.
 void leaveNode(Node v)
          The exploration of all nodes reachable from v ends.
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.combean.graph.alg.traversal.IdleTraversalVisitor
finish, init, initLocal, leaveComponent, openNeighbor, readyToTerminate, reopenNeighbor, visitComponent, visitNode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.alg.traverse.TraversalVisitor
finish, init, initLocal, leaveComponent, openNeighbor, readyToTerminate, reopenNeighbor, visitComponent, visitNode

Constructor Detail


public IdleDFSVisitor()

Method Detail


public void leaveNeighbor(Edge e,
                          Node from)
Description copied from interface: DFSVisitor
The exploration of all nodes reachable from a neighbor of v ends.

Specified by:
leaveNeighbor in interface DFSVisitor
e - the edge leading to the neighbor of v


public void leaveNode(Node v)
Description copied from interface: DFSVisitor
The exploration of all nodes reachable from v ends.

Specified by:
leaveNode in interface DFSVisitor