Interface DFSVisitor

Package class diagram package DFSVisitor
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DFSFinishedNodeOnStackVisitor, DFSNodeNumberingVisitor, DFSNodeStackVisitor, IdleDFSVisitor

public interface DFSVisitor
extends TraversalVisitor

An extended TraversalVisitor which allows to signal when a DFS traversal leaves the current node (i.e. the complete set of nodes reachable from that node has been explored).

Method Summary
 void leaveNeighbor(Edge e, Node from)
          The exploration of all nodes reachable from a neighbor of v ends.
 void leaveNode(Node v)
          The exploration of all nodes reachable from v ends.
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.graph.alg.traverse.TraversalVisitor
finish, init, initLocal, leaveComponent, openNeighbor, readyToTerminate, reopenNeighbor, visitComponent, visitNode

Method Detail


void leaveNode(Node v)
The exploration of all nodes reachable from v ends.

v -


void leaveNeighbor(Edge e,
                   Node from)
The exploration of all nodes reachable from a neighbor of v ends.

e - the edge leading to the neighbor of v
from -