Class AbstractLPVariableSequence

Package class diagram package AbstractLPVariableSequence
  extended by net.sourceforge.combean.mathprog.lp.model.AbstractLPVariableSequence
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DoubleLPVariableSequence, EdgesAsLPVariableSequence

public abstract class AbstractLPVariableSequence
extends Object
implements LPVariableSequence

An abstract base class for an LP variable sequences. Takes care of the offset id and the offset and makes own implementations of LPVariableSequence a bit simpler.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.mathprog.lp.model.LPVariableSequence
Constructor Summary
AbstractLPVariableSequence(String offsetId)
AbstractLPVariableSequence(String offsetId, boolean isInteger)
Method Summary
 LPModelIndex getColumnModelIndex(int localColumn)
          Create a column model index for a given local index.
 int getVarOffset()
          Get the global index of the first element of the sequence.
 String getVarOffsetId()
          Return the identifier for the offset in the global LP model.
 boolean isInteger()
          Flag whether the variables in the sequence are integer variables.
 void setIntegerFlag(boolean isInteger)
 void setVarOffset(int offset)
          Set the offset, i.e., the index of the first row resp. column of the sequence in the global model.
 void setVarOffsetId(String offsetId)
          Set the identifier which defines the offset of the condition sequence in a global LP model.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.combean.interfaces.mathprog.lp.model.LPVariableSequence
getLPVariable, getNumVars

Constructor Detail


public AbstractLPVariableSequence(String offsetId)


public AbstractLPVariableSequence(String offsetId,
                                  boolean isInteger)
Method Detail


public void setVarOffsetId(String offsetId)
Description copied from interface: LPVariableSequence
Set the identifier which defines the offset of the condition sequence in a global LP model.

Specified by:
setVarOffsetId in interface LPVariableSequence
offsetId - the offset identifier.


public String getVarOffsetId()
Description copied from interface: LPVariableSequence
Return the identifier for the offset in the global LP model.

Specified by:
getVarOffsetId in interface LPVariableSequence
the identifier for the offset in the global LP model.


public void setVarOffset(int offset)
Description copied from interface: LPVariableSequence
Set the offset, i.e., the index of the first row resp. column of the sequence in the global model.

Specified by:
setVarOffset in interface LPVariableSequence
offset - the global index of the first element of the sequence.


public int getVarOffset()
Description copied from interface: LPVariableSequence
Get the global index of the first element of the sequence.

Specified by:
getVarOffset in interface LPVariableSequence
the global index of the first element of the sequence.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public LPModelIndex getColumnModelIndex(int localColumn)
Create a column model index for a given local index.

localColumn - the local index
the corresponding column model index


public boolean isInteger()
Description copied from interface: LPVariableSequence
Flag whether the variables in the sequence are integer variables. Please note that you need a MIPSolver to solve the model if you have variables that are integer.

Specified by:
isInteger in interface LPVariableSequence


public void setIntegerFlag(boolean isInteger)