Package net.sourceforge.combean.mathprog.lp.model

Package class diagram package net.sourceforge.combean.mathprog.lp.model
Classes for constructing LP models.


Class Summary
AbstractLPConstraintSequence An abstract base class for an LP constraint sequences.
AbstractLPModelComponent Abstract base class for LP model components.
AbstractLPVariableSequence An abstract base class for an LP variable sequences.
AbstractSimpleIndexLPConstrainedRows Abstract base class for LP models that have a single pair of constrOffset ids and come together with their constraints.
AbstractSimpleIndexLPConstrainedRowsWithVars Abstract base class for LP models with a single pair of offset ids and come together with their constraints and variables.
AbstractSimpleIndexLPModelComponent Abstract base class for elementary LP model components (i.e. components with a single pair of offset ids that can be directly set).
ConcatenatedLPModelColumns A columnwise LP model component which consists of a set of columnwise LP model components which are joined rowwise.
ConcatenatedLPModelRows A rowwise LP model component which consists of a set of rowwise LP model components which are joined rowwise.
ConstructableLPModel An LP model which can be constructed by sequentially adding rows, columns etc.
DoubleLPConstraintSequence A simple implementation of a constraint sequence, consisting of DoubleLPConstraints.
DoubleLPVariableSequence A variable sequence of DoubleLPVariable objects.
LPModelIndexImpl A straight-forward implementation of an LP model index.
LPSparseVectorWithIndexMapping A wrapped sparse vector where the indices of the inner vector are mapped to new index values.
MatrixAsLPModelMatrix Use a simple matrix as matrix in an LP-model.

Package net.sourceforge.combean.mathprog.lp.model Description

Classes for constructing LP models. These classes shall provide a convenient way to generate LP models than through accessing the LP solver directly. Please see the description of the corresponding interface package for a detailed introduction how to work with these classes.